
Transversal planning is the way to go

by Frik Landman: Executive chair and acting chief executive at DaVinci Business School.
I would refrain from offering ‘how-to’ solutions to the recently compiled report by Mr Trevor Manual, within which very frank assessments were presented, indicating the pervasiveness of our societal problématique (i.e. a systemic ‘mess’). The nature of the problem spans several industries, sectors, government departments, etc.

The good news is that there is no panacea and there is no real ‘how to fix them’ with a recipe mindset. These identified major problems have manifested due to a variety of co-producers forthcoming from a lack of political, cultural, psychological, economic, physical, etc. development in the past (which includes the period from 1994 onwards). Each of these dimensions, and others not even mentioned, have been making their extraordinary, negative entries into this ‘Problématique Pot’, resulting in unceasingly cumulative, vicious circles. Even some of the solutions that were introduced to try ‘solve’ these problems have just been adding their bit to the ‘mess’. We see far too many of these knee-jerk solutions, all with good intent and motivation, but isolated from a systemic approach of the whole. Mr. Manual and his team are therefore exceptionally well positioned to address this problématique through transversal planning.

In their role exists the possibility of redesigning some of our societal systems. Dr. Elisabeth Dostel is clear on this: “the logic of the solution is not the logic of the problem”. This team has a mandate and the resources to develop systemic multi-functional strategies to address these societal problems we are faced with. Their challenge, of course, would be to convince the various departments to give up on their well-guarded autonomy and inward focus. They may have less of a challenge involving business in their multi-functional strategies. If the political context would allow them to co-ordinate the flow of service delivery, we may stand a chance of sculpting the synergy (the harnessing of potential) needed in dissolving the problématique.

The design mindset required, however, is a deliberate serving of the interest of different stakeholders, simultaneously. If the thinking is about the whole, we may even find that there is enough existing infrastructure to takes us very far, but then we need to make our autonomous boundaries more porous; and share our knowledge, our people and our infrastructure in a far more creative way.

When this multi-functional design emerges, then all our ‘how-to’ offerings will play a meaningful part, as we align to a greater and more exciting societal design. Then the skills available from our various business schools (e.g. project management) will have a strategic fit.

So, how do we assist Mr. Manual and his team in this daunting, but magnificently important task they face?

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