When interest rates rise, innovation budgets often fall. Yet preserving cash and fostering innovation are not mutually exclusive strategies.
Rush, the adventurous CEO behind OceanGate, the Titan’s owner, was an impatient man who saw regulations as barriers to innovation.
On 18 May, UCT GSB Alumni Relations hosted a discussion with Richard Perez, UCT GSB EMBA Alum and founding director of the d-school Afrika, and Sean Lewis, Guest Lecturer on the Executive MBA program and EMBA Alum at the UCT GSB.
Despite economic challenges and limited resources, innovation remains a key element in building sustainable businesses.
You don’t have to be neurodiverse to be a great innovator... but it helps.
The pressure is on to adapt and innovate at speed. Employees are being called upon to create new solutions and reinvent their ways of working.
Most companies accept that innovation is essential to ensuring long-term sustainability, but most struggle with the practicalities of integrating innovation into their ‘business-as-usual’ mantra.
Dr Sharron McPherson, senior lecturer at the UCT Graduate School of Business and co-founder at The Centre for Disruptive Technologies, unpacks the one key element that differentiates successful companies today.
Author Safi Bahcall introduced the term "loonshots" to describe ventures with game-changing potential that nobody thought would work and whose champions were ridiculed.
What skills do you need to develop new technologies and enter new markets? You need, of course, to be able to turn technical innovations into great products. But new research suggests you need another skill: the ability to learn.