With its sights on attaining artificial general inteligence (AGI), and making inroads into protein-folding predictions, Google DeepMind is on a mission to revolutionise the world of science and beyond.
A year after generative AI tools were unleashed, the world is adapting to, but also grappling with, a technology that humanity still thinks it can control.
With many predicting that the AI revolution will democratise access to expertise, what changes might we expect?
Technology might enable digital transformation, but the secret sauce lies in strategic, courageous and resilient leadership with an appetite for possibilities.
An interview with New York Times reporter Kashmir Hill, author of a new book on the implications of facial recognition software.
What happens when artificial intelligence is able to comprehensively manage people on its own? Will it be a benevolent dictator, an all-seeing micromanager, or just a better option than your last boss?
When Karl Marx used the term ‘boom or bust’ in the 19th century it was to explain economic expansions and contractions. Today, the term neatly explains the dilemma faced by emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.
Tackling energy and water challenges to navigate a sustainable path.
With AI moving at breakneck speed, senior executives need to understand the new realities of intellectual property and patents, write Wharton's Scott Snyder and co-author Mark Pecen.