Nicholas Sauvage ADP2003 and Gary Dushnitsky offer a guide to understanding the different corporate investor types.
Wharton’s David Erickson explains the challenges facing high-growth firms in a market that has some striking similarities to - as well as key differences from - the dotcom bubble of 2000.
Entrepreneurs can learn from the Chinese bamboo tree that takes five years to grow its root system underground, before suddenly shooting up almost overnight and growing by up to a metre in height per hour for a short while.
The JSE has recently launched a Private Placement platform which connects private companies to institutional investors who are actively looking for their next investment.
There are two funding rules of thumb that too few startup entrepreneurs are aware of.
There is plenty of entrepreneurial funding available in South Africa. You just need to know where to look.
An award-winning case study on local digital animation filmmaker, Triggerfish, has highlighted the absurdity of lack of access to funding for SMEs operating in the creative space.
Funding isn’t free. At every opportunity, entrepreneurs must carefully weigh the financial consequences of taking outside money.
Less than two years ago, Benji Coetzee chose to leave the corporate comforts of a top-tier consulting firm to launch and self-fund her tech start-up, EmptyTrips.
Yoco entered the market in 2015. In 2018, the founders raised R248 million in Series B Funding. Here’s how they’ve built a business that funders will back.