Data Science Leadership for Executives
Businesses are becoming increasingly reliant on data to assist with operations and inform their decision-making. Our Data Science Leadership for Executives course will teach you how to coordinate complex projects and execute sound data science strategies. Confidently interrogate data science proposals and lead the implementation of solutions that are effectively aligned with your organisation’s overall strategy.
What you will walk away with:
- How to develop, drive, and scale a data science strategy
- Learn how to examine and interrogate data science proposals
- A deep understanding of the required building blocks: data, people, technology, and maturity.
- In-depth review of use cases for in your specific industry
- Learn how to extract and leverage valuable insights from data to drive decision-making in your business or organisation
- Identify data science opportunities
- Design a data science strategy that ensures support from key stakeholders and keeps your organisation aligned towards a common goal
Course details
- Apply by: 13 August 2024
- Start date: 26 August 2024
- Schedule: 26 August - 27 August 2024
- Venue:
- Location: Cape Town, South Africa
- Costs: R22 500
- Apply: Contact us using the details below
- Enquiries:
Exec Ed Department, 0860 UCT GSB,
- More details: Visit our web site for further information.
Course provider
Executive Education at the UCT Graduate School of Business is dedicated to growing the leadership backbone in organisations and individuals and inspiring a new generation of leaders to engage with the challenges of the African continent in a hyper-connected and globalised world.
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